We want to change
the system

We dedicate every day to helping people

We dedicate every day to helping people leave the streets behind, overcome housing challenges, and settle into a place they can call home.

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Our people-first, problem-solving approach has helped 816 people transition to stable housing in the past five years.
Those experiencing homelessness are not statistics, they’re people. It’s frightening how quickly someone’s life can be turned upside down. In today’s economic climate, many people are just one rent or mortgage rise away from disaster.

“I am an artist and love playing the piano, I’ve played since I was 9 years of age. Just because I am homeless doesn’t make me useless.”

- Paulina

bed, base, backing

Our immediate priority is helping people who are homeless. Our approach has three pillars

A Bed

Our team is on the streets of Woking earning the trust of rough sleepers and offering them a place in our 10-bed shelter. 

Rough sleepers are often wary and building a relationship can take many months.

A Base

Our shelter is a sanctuary where our clients can stay safe during the day as well as at night.

Having this stability and regular contact with York Road Project means we can help them address their medical, addiction, mental health and housing needs.

Our Backing

We offer our clients personalised support and guidance to get their lives back on track.

Through our move-on properties and Tenancy Sustainment Team, we transform temporary refuge into a journey towards lasting independence.

“After being with York Road Project for a few years, I’ve moved into my own place. I’m in the final year of my degree. If all goes well it should give me the start I need to be able to help those going through what I have with my mental health issues. I want to have a career in counselling/psychology.”

- Freyja

£15 could buy a bed for a homeless person for 1 week